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Hi, all the meditations are free to download. The web addresses are in the book eg at the end of the first chapter. D
Hi. I bought your first book used. The site said the condition was „like new“. Unfortunately, I received the book without the CD. Is there anywhere I can find all eight meditations online? Or can I purchase the CD from you? Thanks for your help b
If there was one gift I could give everyone it would be this book. I suffered with extreme anxiety about 5 years ago, felt physically ill all day long, just taking the children to school was exhausting, I was nauseous, my head felt it had a helmet on and was fuzzy. Panic attacks were regular, I even felt it hard to read as my eyes felt so weak. I have a wonderful husband but still felt so alone, I was scared, scared of my functioning body and what was happening. I had crashed into a heap of exhaustion, with what felt like no warning. However, now I recognise the warnings when I am anxious or stressed, I take more care of me. I don’t carry on with pushing through like a train that never stops. I have realised now that I have suffered anxiety most of my life, I pushed on never freeing myself just adding more and more layers until I burnt out – I was a shell of myself. However, I dragged myself from that dark hole with the help of this book, I practised without fail everyday. I put the teachings into my daily life, and slowly over time I got better. Not just as good as I was before but freer than I had ever felt in my life. I have some of the best days now that I never experienced before, even as a child (when I worried so much over the little things). I am changed for the better. So now mindfulness and mindful meditation are in my life on a daily basis, we work together to be the better version of me. Thank you, will never be enough for the value this book and it’s wisdom and knowledge has brought me. Danny and Mark, if only your book was a prescription for anyone in need that would be my wish.
Sue Jackson
Almost Christmas and another election – Frantic doesn’t even hit the spot?
Years ago working in Mental health as a therapist, in the NHS your book ‘Mindfulness Finding Peace in a Frantic World,’ .became my bible! Then my lifeboat. Then my saviour. Now I’m finding in these final years of my life. With the restructuring of the healthcare system I’ve returned to it. Crawled back onto it’s island of sanity looking for ways to support my loved ones. Passing on whatever it is I inherited from it’s contents and resources!
Thank you all for the gift of inspirational literature.
Sue 2019
Hello, I am currently doing the ‘Mindfulness – a practical guide to finding peace in a frantic world’. Currently at week 4, and I have noticed something so amazing. I have been a TMD sufferer since I started teaching in 2007, however teeth grinding seems to run in the family also.
3 years ago i got the help I needed from a dentist to stop grinding my teeth away! But I also have aching jaw, neck, shoulder as well and tension stiffness there etc… often physical reflects the mental with me.
…anyway what I notice as I was observing the thoughts was all the sensations in my head…the way my eyes move, muscles across my face as scalp, jaw tensions… noticing that ‘striving’ feeling, ‘wanting it to be different’ and what is does physically in that moment, how easily all those little muscles tense up with just thoughts.
No wonder more intense pains and tensions came in challening situations. It is a revelation!
I am starting to take this awareness out into the field where I now work in a special education out in forest school, but I am already so much happier/peaceful/less worried in my job because of this course.
I am interested to see how I can work with/ help these muscles in relation to mindfulness and mediation, and see how the TMD and associated symptoms are as a result. A life long process….
Many thanks for sharing the wisdom in an asccesible gentle way.
Dear Professor Williams and Dr Penman
I am writing to say a huge thank you for your book: Mindfulness – a Practical Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World. I read it a couple of years ago and it has changed my life! I followed the eight week course myself and it has reset the way I think and approach the world. I have therefore become a much happier, calmer and content person, able to deal with the busyness of life and find peace. And it has also taught me how to maintain this.
Thank you once again for your gift to the world!
With kindest regards
Dear Debbie, Thanks for letting us know about your progress. We’re delighted to have helped. Danny
Hello Mark and Danny,
I just wanted to say thank you and give a progress report, one and a half years of using the guided meditations CD.
Off work sick (lying prostrate at the bottom of the exhaustion funnel, not understanding why I was like this) I started following your book. Without it’s help I would not have been able to face the commute back to work let alone function at all.
It took courage and patience to accept the message in Befriending and six months before I could use Exploring Difficulty.
I knew deep down what I learned with Exploring Difficulty was the truth. I have faced it, got angry, grieved,moved on.
I hadn’t known I was the victim of a Narcissistic father and a Jealous sister. I look forward to feeling the positive results of my new awareness. Still challenging, the situation has not changed but my handling of it has. This is what help’s so much.
I know how lucky and blessed I am, I see my husband loves me and my children have escaped my Dad and Sister. At 52 I can be happier,healthier and live without the shadow of two people who cannot change.
I hope this message helps others see the benefits. I can now move on from having shut down my feelings to cope with my upbringing, I can see all the mental cruelty, all text book NPD. I’m still working through the flashbacks but at least know it isn’t my fault. I’m very strong and very lucky to escape.
The meditations will be a part of my life forever. I learn something new all the time, grow all the time.
I wanted you both to know you do change lives for the better. 🙂 x
This year has been a difficult one for me. I had some time off with work related stress and this is when I came across mindfulness and your book, Finding Peace in a frantic world. It was a revelation! No more do I beat myself up when my mind wanders during meditation. Alongside some counselling,I’ve used mindfulness to strengthen me, both mentally and physically.
Since being back at work, I have continued to meditate every day – with varying degrees of success ( although I continue to be kind to myself).
This week I found out that I am being made redundant. I sort of knew it was on the cards, but it’s still a shock. On Friday, my friends at work said that they wanted to organise a dinner for me and asked who I wanted there. I couldn’t decide. Wandering out at lunchtime, I could feel myself getting crosser by the minute when, suddenly, a snippet from the frantic world book came to me. That a sudden thought can tip you into a bad mood and, if you are not careful, it can last for ages. So, I mentally stopped and figured out what the problem was – I couldn’t choose from all my lovely friends at work!! So, I decided that I would explain this to the girls and let them decide which way to go. It worked – my mood lifted and I ended the day in a much better place than I could, so easily, have done. A few months ago, I did not have the capacity to do this and would have been in a bad mood for ages.
I was very proud of myself for doing this and I just wanted to thank you, Danny, for writing this book which has become my favourite book and is constantly by my bedside.
Glad you liked my slot. The book should be out as an audiobook soon.
I tuned into your talk via skype as part of the Mindfulness summit hosted by Melli O’Brien. Thank you for talking about your journey using mindfulness to overcome pain etc; for sharing your wisdom around the topic and your continued support for a growing community of mindful people. And, I loved your meditation. You certainly have the voice for it! Make the next book an audio…
Dear Ones,
THANK YOU for giving my mind permission to wander, AND for me to bring it back on track with kindness during meditation!!!
For so long I have stressed over the fact that I cannot “empty my mind” so, in fact, relaxation exercises were causing me to be even more agitated.
As I continue to try to manage My Depression (an unsavory companion of mine for almost four decades) my failure to be successful at proper meditation just added to my sense of inadequacy.
Since my Traumatic Brain Injury in 2010 a rather sinister twist to My Depression has presented itself in terms of “Anxiety Attacks” which I thought were Post TBI seizures or episodes due to the brain healing. Four years out, the attacks are far less, most likely due to the cocktail of medications, Effexor, Wellbutrin and Klonopin, that have seemed to tame the beasts for now.
Sadly, no insurance has prevented me from continuing my talk therapies with counselors and my rehab. shrink; so arming myself with your “Frantic Meditations” :o) has increased my confidence in my own abilities to out-smart my mind beasties that have wreaked havoc on my physical, emotional and mental health for far too long.
God Bless You, Each One!
Connie Fornash-Burrows
I am using your book Mindfulness for Health kind of by mistake! I didn’t notice when I bought it in a rush that it was mainly aimed at pain sufferers, I just saw the words ‘mindfulness’ and ‘stress’ and thought ‘this is the one!
A mistake because I don’t actually suffer chronic pain (although 16 years ago I suffered very severely from fibromyalga being housebound for months at a time, so I have every sympathy with those who are presently suffering).
However I decided just to use the book anyway as I do suffer severe mental illness: bipolar type 2 and schizoaffective disorder, hence the stress. Which brings me to my point – please consider writing your next mindfulness book for those who suffer MENTAL illness. The techniques are really helpful and not many people understand how severe mental illness is so utterly disabling when on the outside you look ok. And on the other hand no-one approaches how people in such a position can help themselves, we are often offered strong medicines and considered hopeless, which is both patronising and depressing.
Many thanks
Can I just say my boyfriend bought this book and told me to read it, he is way more practically minded than me and saw a write up in the Guardian i think.
I just had to tell you I have only been doing it for six days and it is absolutely amazing, so much so I am buying it for my two sisters because its like waking up to a life you have sort of stopped noticing. I have told all my friends about it, it is just brilliant.
It is just so easy to do, so subtle and just transformative, I cannot believe I have only been doing it six days to feel so different.
I just wanted to say thank you to you both for writing it and for sharing it because it is the best book and it works!!!! thats the biggest thing, the practical instructions means it actually works. So thanks
Dee x