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When meditation becomes difficult

Sometimes meditation can be surprisingly difficult. I was reminded of this today. My mind would not be still. It kept on leaping around, chasing it’s own tail, following thought-stream after thought-stream…. until I realised, once again, that my concentration had lapsed. When you have days such as this, it pays to remember that in many ways the meditation is the moment when you realise that your mind has wandered. That’s the moment when you suddenly realise, deep down, that conscious awareness is different from thinking. Your thoughts are not you. This realisation may only last for a few seconds before your mind once again races off like a greyhound after a hare. But still, these can often be a very valuable few seconds.

So the next time you have a difficult meditation, try to inwardly smile at yourself and acknowledge that you’ve just discovered something very valuable indeed. You can then continue where you left off….

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